Making Light material I
Making Light material II
Making colour material
Commissioned works
In Roman Light and Colour
Vital Gestures
Gesti vitali
De genereuze ruimte
The Generous Space
Lo spazio generoso
In het Licht van de Werkelijkheid
In the Light of Reality
Nella Luce della Realtà
Fragments d’un Discours Éclairé
Biographical notes
Selected exhibitions and Awards
Major Business Collections
Making colour material
selection 2015 – 2022
A. High lights exhibition series
Pretty in the city III
Pretty in the city I
March 1963 on a Friday morning around 11.00 o’clock
March 1963 on a Tuesday morning around 10.00 o’clock
June 1971
April 1972, West Flandres
April 1964 in the direction of the Piet Avontuurstraat
The eastern sky, beginning of April 1963 at about 5.00 p.m.
Material – Immaterial
The Beginning of July 1965
End of May 1964
Beginning of September 1972
You are what you eat(eat well!)
Triptych – Time Waves
Triptych Time waves – Left part
Triptych Time Waves – Centre part
Triptych Time waves – Right part
B. Hong Kong series 2016
Thursday morning, beginning of February 1976 around 9.00 a.m.
Morning in May 1964
Light Side of the Moon I
July 1973
Friday morning, end of March 1961 around 10.30 a.m.
April 1972
End of May 1968
Early March 1962, on a Tuesday afternoon
C. Artist in Residence Shanghai 2016
Roark’s Dream – End of December 1961
Pastorale – End of June 1966
Late August Night 1991
July 1971
Fire Bird – January 1960
End of December 1969
Beginning of July 1962
August 1962
Beginning of September 1965
August 1956
D. Niagara History Museum 2018
28th of June 2015
1st of February 1953
End of August 1959